Tuesday, June 12, 2012


My child is being an a--hole at school (daycare). We've had a biting issue since well past the appropriate age (my DD was a chew-toy for classmates for about a year before she suddenly started to bite as well). However, it had seemed like we were finally past the whole biting issue and then she got bit again by a classmate about a month ago.

Fast forward to last week, when DD was clearly overtired because of a shift in our household schedule. Well, Thursday we got a note home that DD had bit a classmate and Friday we got a note that, gasp, DD had bit and hit a teacher in her classroom.

Yikes. Anybody have any suggestions for how to help extinguish a--hole behavior when it occurs outside of your home?

Friday, May 25, 2012

It's true. Sometimes kids are a--holes.

I realize it isn't a popular thing to say. I consider myself a sort of "crunchy" mom. I cloth diaper. I think about organic food (and sometimes actually buy it). I babywear. I breastfeed. I skirt along the edges of being an "attachment parent". If I weren't a working mom, maybe I'd even consider myself one.

However, I also admit it to myself. Sometimes kids are assholes. 

  • Like when they have the mother of all tantrums when you are trying to get them home from day care after a particularly exhausting day of work.
  • Like when they slowly and methodically drop all of their dinner on the floor without breaking eye contact with you.

Another thing we dare not admit . . . sometimes it's funny when kids are assholes. We can't let them know that it's funny, but I'm sure in a heck of a lot better place mentally if I laugh about it after the fact (and drink a glass or two of wine to combat the whining).
Funny Pictures

Agree? Disagree? Plan to call DSS on me? Share a story of your kid's asshole behavior.